Tag: Visionary Award

MySight York Wins Award For Sensory Storytelling Project

Posted: Monday 2 October 2023 | Louise Calpin

Parents of children with sight loss told us they wanted their children to enjoy stories with others to build a strong foundation for their literacy. The sensory storytelling project means children with sight loss and their siblings can access inspiring and accessible story times at their local libraries.   “After my son experienced the sensory […]

Exciting News: MySight York has been Shortlisted for a Visionary Award

Posted: Tuesday 12 September 2023 | Louise Calpin

MySight York partnered with Explore York (Libraries), ToyLikeMe and York Specialist Teaching Team to develop specialist sensory story sacks which contain themed stories, tactile books and items/props that bring the books to life through all the senses. “After my son experienced the sensory storytelling session, both the story and the Explore York library took on […]