MySight York’s Urgent Appeal This Christmas

Posted: Tuesday 5 December 2023 | Louise Calpin

MySight York is facing increasing costs and a rise in demand for our services. And that is why we are asking for your support this Christmas. We have launched an Urgent Appeal on our Enthuse donation platform. Click here to visit our Urgent Appeal donation page.

A square graphic with a white background. In the centre is a red shape with the text, Urgent Appeal! Underneath this is the MySight York logo in blue and white.

We are asking members, their friends and relatives if they can give a one-off gift this Christmas? Or could you become a supporter, giving a regular amount each month?

  • £100 provides a volunteer befriender to someone living with sight loss for all of 2024.
  • £50 covers an appointment at our Equipment and Information Centre, where our sight support adviser provides tailored advice and people can try out over 1000 pieces of equipment and technology.
  • £15 helps a person living with sight loss to attend a weekly support group.

Donations can also be made in person, by sending a cheque to our office made payable to MySight York or we can take a donation over the phone by card. Alternatively you can donate online via enthuse. Here you can make a one-off donation or set up a regular amount to be paid monthly, quarterly or annually.

If you prefer not to do this online, we can send you a standing order form to set up a regular donation through your bank. Just give us a call on 01904 636269 and we can help you complete the paperwork.

And please remember to Gift Aid your donation if you are able. As long as you are a UK taxpayer and you pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax then Gift Aid will boost your donation by 25p for every £1. Please tick the Gift Aid box online or ask the staff to send you a form in the post to enable us to reclaim Gift Aid from HRMC.

Your contribution can make a huge impact to the visually impaired people who rely on our services.

We know times are hard for everyone and we are only asking that those who feel able consider donating. All donations, whatever their size, have the power to make a huge impact. In the words of that well known supermarket—every little helps!