MySight York’s free befriending service can be accessed either over the phone or in person. The aim is to bring joy and positivity to those living with sight loss in York, helping to reduce loneliness, isolation and providing practical support.

In Person – Home Visiting
The Befriending Service provides free, one-to-one support and friendship to people living with sight loss. Our volunteers can visit in your own home or garden or support you to get out and about.
The aim of the befriending service is to support individuals living with sight loss to remain as independent as is appropriate to their circumstances. The service provides volunteers on a long-term and is about doing “with” rather than “for”. The service is open to residents within the City of York Council boundary.
Volunteers are carefully matched and can visit people in their homes or at other locations, depending on people’s individual needs and interests. Visits usually take place weekly or fortnightly and last for around 1 – 2 hours.
Examples of things a volunteer and client might do include:
o Going for a walk, exercising or participating in a hobby together
o Shopping together
o Writing cards
o Reading out loud for pleasure
o Sharing a chat over a cuppa
Please note that volunteers do not carry out any personal care or undertake cleaning, food shopping or household chores.
You can access the service yourself or make a referral on behalf of someone else. The Befriending Service Manager will talk you through the scheme, find out what support is needed and give an idea of the timescale for matching you with a volunteer.
Please contact Catherine Bamford on 01904 731122 or email to find out more.
If you are a professional making a referral, please use the professional referral form.
Over The Phone – Keeping in Touch
Our Keeping in Touch Volunteers provide a telephone based befriending service. Volunteers telephone their clients either weekly, fortnightly or monthly for a friendly chat to help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. The Keeping in Touch service is open to residents living in York and the surrounding area.
You can access the service yourself or make a referral on behalf of someone else. The Befriending Service Manager will talk you through the scheme, find out what support is needed and give an idea of the timescale for matching you with a volunteer.
Please contact Catherine on 01904 731122 or email to find out more.
If you are a professional making a referral, please use the professional referral form.
If you would like to volunteer as a Befriender, please click here to be redirected to our Volunteering page.