We run a range of regular groups which give people the chance to share ideas, learn new skills and make friends. New members are always welcome.

MySight York offers a range of groups and activities which operate in a variety of ways, some are face to face, some by telephone or Zoom and some a mixture of virtual and in person. The groups are specialist in their provision, and are run by our treasured MySight Volunteers.
We also run one off events such as Sensory Walking with York Bike Belles, Sensory story telling with Explore York and Accessible Technology training. Please see the Events page for up-to-date details.
Guest Speakers Telephone Group
Different guests are invited to speak on matters related to sight loss or local services, in support of listeners. First Monday of every other month.
Support with MySight
Face to face, with a telephone option. This group is a space for individuals new to sight loss, new to the area, or just needing a supportive group to talk matters relating to their sight loss. First Monday of every other month.
Audio Book Group
We currently run an exciting and varied audio book group. We can provide the book on CD or USB, or it can be downloaded. The group discusses a different book, monthly. Once a month.
Knit Natter
Our Knitting Group is run by MySight York volunteers, at MySight York’s premises. It’s a friendly group for those who love to knit (and natter). Twice a month.
Accessible Board Games
The Accessible Board Games Group run by MySight York volunteers, at the MySight York premises. Accessible dominos, cards, chess and much more. Once a fortnight.
Esme’s Friends
Monthly, face to face and telephone group. Our support group for anyone who experiences visual hallucinations as a result of sight loss (also known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome).
Coffee Morning + Discussion Group
This is a social discussion group. A mixture of pre-arranged topics such as history or current affairs, and exciting guest speakers. Topics often include a thread connecting back to lived experience with sight loss. There are two groups – the Hybrid (face to face and telephone option) Discussion takes place on the second Wednesday of every other month, alternating with the Telephone Discussion Group – fourth Wednesday of every other month).
MySight Telephone Quiz
No prizes, just an enjoyable way to spend time with friends, old and new. The last Friday of the month.
Access Group Mailing List
An Access Group email mailing list to inform you of consultations, and any developments from external groups/meetings on access in York and the surrounding areas.
Tech Tips Group Mailing List
The sharing of tech tips, information and helping each other. Emails are ad hoc by a tech tips volunteer.
For information on specific MySight York Internal groups, please contact the activities team on 01904 731124 or email
We also run several groups in the community bringing them closer to your doorstep, supported by our wonderful volunteers.
Balance and Chair Exercise run by Xercise Haxby, supported by MySight York volunteers at MySight York Premises. Weekly.
Tai Chi (chair based with optional incremental standing) run by Tai Chi instructor with 40 years’ experience, supported by MySight York volunteers. Once a fortnight at the MySight York premises.
Indoor VI Tennis run by a York Disability Tennis Network qualified coach, held at the University of York, York Sports Centre. Supported by MySight York volunteers. Weekly.
To book a place on any of the above, please contact the activities team on 01904 731124 or email
We are very grateful for the support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation and the National Lottery Reaching Communities Fund.