Eye Clinic

Our Sight Support Service at York Hospital Eye Clinic is there to ensure that high quality emotional support is available when you need it most.

ECLO with patient

This service is there to provide emotional and practical support to anyone experiencing difficulties with a change in vision. Helen Flett, our Eye Clinic Liaison Officer is the link between health and social care, helping people to access the services they need.

Being diagnosed with an eye condition can be difficult to come to terms with and everyone reacts differently. It can be an extremely challenging time both practically and emotionally.

The ECLO Sight Support Service can help you with:

  • understanding the diagnosis
  • managing the emotional impact
  • certification and registration
  • confidence and independence
  • daily tasks such as reading, cooking etc
  • getting about safely
  • employment and benefits

The service is accessed by appointment only. To arrange an appointment, ask your clinician or at Eye Clinic Reception.

Helen can be contacted on 01904 721858 or by email helen.flett3@nhs.net